Search club

To search for clubs who arrange Landslagets Fotbollsskola or Futsalskolan Lira Blågult, enter the district or club name in the search box.
The search result is updated while typing (the search starts after the 3rd typed character).
Then click on the club you are interested in, and you will come to the club's presentation page.

Show club

Shows information about the club and the events the club organizes this year.
Click the Sign up for event button to access the registration page.

Sign up


Enter information about the guardian who will be responsible for the sign up (all information is required):

  • Email
  • First and last name
  • Birth date / Social security number (date format: YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Street address
  • Zip Code
  • City
  • Phone home/work/mobile (at least 1 phone number must be entered)


Enter information about the participant, and which event you are signing up for:

  • Choose school event
  • First and last name
  • Birth date (date format: YYYY-MM-DD)
  • 4 last digits in your Social security number
  • Gender
  • Email
  • Size t-shirt
  • Discounts
  • Pick up kids (Must be picked up / May go home alone
  • Allergy/illness
  • Medical information description
  • Other notes
Required information:
  • Choose school event
  • First and last name
  • Birth date (date format: YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Gender
  • Size t-shirt

Discounts for selected school

When you choose a school, the discounts that apply to that particular event are displayed.

Medical information

If your child has an allergy or illness that we need to know about, you can tell us this here.
When you check one of the checkboxes Allergy or Illness , a note field will appear below, where you can enter a short description.

Add participant / Delete

You can register multiple children for different schools in the same sign up form.
Click the Add More Participants button, and a new participant form will appear on the page.
Click the Delete button to remove a participant from the form


If your club has chosen to include photo sessions, you can choose whether photography of your child is allowed or not.
If you allow photography, you then have the opportunity to have the pictures sent home to your address for viewing.

Check your details

When you've filled in all the information about the guardian and participant, click on the Next button.
You can then check your details before sending your sign up form.
The total price including discounts will also be shown.

Check your details carefully, then click Confirm sign up .
(You must accept the terms before you can submit the form)

Confirming sign up

Once you have confirmed your sign up, you are redirected to a confirmation page that shows your entered information.
You will also receive an email with information about payment etc.
The email contains the link Event information that shows current information about the schools to which your sign up applies. On this page you can save (as a PDF document) or print the information if you wish.